IBS Electronics, Quality Certifications
AS9120 : 2016
AS9120 includes ISO 9001:2015 quality management system requirements and specifies additional aviation, space, and defense industry requirements, definitions, and notes for organizations that procure parts, materials, and assemblies and resell these products to a customer in the aviation, space, and defense industries.
ISO 9001:2015
IBS Electronics is certified as ISO 9001:2015 compliant. ISO 9001:2015 certificate shows that IBS Electronics organization follows internationally recognized quality management principles. The result of using ISO 9001:2015 is shorter lead times, high delivery reliability, and consistently high quality of services and products.
Achieving ISO 9001:2015 certification clearly demonstrates IBS Electronics’s company-wide commitment to supporting our customers with quality products and services.
AS6081 : 2012
This certifies that IBS Electronics has put in place an Avoidance of Counterfeit Electronic Parts Mitigation System that ensures we have the procedures, policies and standardized practices in place to identify reliable sources to procure parts, assess and mitigate risk of distributing suspect counterfeit/counterfeit parts, control suspect counterfeit or counterfeit parts, and report incidents of suspect counterfeit/counterfeit parts and meets the requirements of the AS6081:2012 standard.
AS6081:2012 certification shows our commitment to the highest level of quality and our commitment to ensuring, non-conforming/substandard, suspect counterfeit or counterfeit parts do not enter the supply chain. AS6081:2012 requires our practices, or methods to identify reliable sources to procure parts, assess and mitigate the risk of distributing fraudulent/counterfeit parts, control suspect or confirmed fraudulent/counterfeit parts, and report suspect and confirmed fraudulent/counterfeit parts to other potential users and Authority Having Jurisdiction.